I had two embroidery projects on my to do list in August…
1. work on the stitch along I started in my google+ community
2. continue the Take a Stitch Tuesday challenge
… and I ended up not accomplishing either!
But instead I did finish a project that has been on my mind ever since I learned the couching stitch.
Years ago, I asked my husband to draw me something to embroider for Valentine’s Day and he drew me this girl with a heart.
She has sort of become my “avatar” over the years for MooshieStitch – she's on my Flickr, Google+, Tumblr, Etsy profile, etc.
When I learned the couching stitch for TAST, I thought it would look cool to embroider hair with it, so I decided to re-do this girl with new couched hair!
I removed the heart and eye makeup.
With the couching stitch, it was so easy to stitch up the hair very quick – I may do another girl with different colored hair and fill it all in completely.
Up close just because.
Finished hair ... what color for the lips?
Red of course!

If you notice the difference in lighting from the above photos - that's because I took them at different times of the day. What a difference! I am still learning my natural lighting when taking photos...
What do you think? Which version do you like better? Couched hair or the black and grey stem stitch version?
I think my next version may be green and black hair.
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